Name * First Name Last Name Email * Service Requested (Choose all that apply). View what each of these are on our "prices" page. Website Touch-Up Website Makeover Website Creation Website Template Template Express What's your current website URL? Have you already purchased a domain for your website? If yes, where did you purchase your domain from? * What website platform are you currently using? Are you interested in switching to Squarespace? * Yes No Any particular color palette in mind? * What services do you provide? * How would you describe your target market/ideal client? How do you want your clients to feel when they're on your website? * Do you have a tagline you'd like to use? If so, please list it here. Please list the social media accounts that you'd like to have integrated into your website Please describe any specific imagery or styles you have in mind for your website. What's your budget for this project? * How soon would you like to start? * ASAP Soon - I still need time to prepare 1-2 Months Anytime - I'm flexible Do you have a deadline for this project to be done by? * Do you have a website copy? * If you don't, please see our website copy templates (for homepage, about, services, blog & contact) - Website copies are needed in order for any website service to be done. Yes No Do you have professional headshots? * Yes No How did you hear about Shrink Designs? * Facebook Referral Instagram Google Other Are you comfortable with Shrink Designs referencing their work with you ( ie; tagging on social media, etc.) in an efforts to increase awareness and support small businesses? * Yes No Please list a few websites that you love from a design standpoint, or that you want to emulate from a functionality stand point, and give brief detail about what you like about each one. * Thank you for your interest in our website design services!