Name * First Name Last Name Business Name Website http:// Email * Website Goals * What is the main goal of your website? Area of Focus * Do you have any specific concerns or areas you'd like us to focus on? Target Audience * Who is your ideal client/customer? Website Performance How would you describe your current website's performance? Competitors Who are your main competitors? Have you used any SEO tools or services before? (e.g., Google Analytics, SEMrush, etc.) Yes No Timeframe What is your preferred timeline for receiving the audit report? 1 week 2 weeks 1 month Not Sure | No Timeline in Mind Are you looking for a basic or comprehesive audit? Basic Comprehensive Would you like to bundle your website audit with an SEO package? Yes No Additional Notes or Questions: Thank you!We’ll review your responses and reach out with a tailored Website Audit strategy for your website. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.